Sunday, 24 November 2013
Garbage Warrior
One of the ways forward in this world, I'm 'on board'! :)
Garbage Warrior full length documentary
Sunday, 17 November 2013
To my special One, thank you for a beautiful weekend....
When love beckons to you, follow him,
Though his ways are hard and steep.
And when his wings enfold you yield to him,
Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.
And when he speaks to you believe in him,
Though his voice may shatter your dreams
as the north wind lays waste the garden.
For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,
So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.
Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.
He threshes you to make you naked.
He sifts you to free you from your husks.
He grinds you to whiteness.
He kneads you until you are pliant;
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God's sacred feast.
All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life's heart.
But if in your fear you would seek only love's peace and love's pleasure,
Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing-floor,
Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.
Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.
Love possesses not nor would it be possessed;
For love is sufficient unto love.
When you love you should not say, "God is in my heart," but rather, "I am in the heart of God."
And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.
But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires:
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
To know the pain of too much tenderness.
To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;
To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy;
To return home at eventide with gratitude;
And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.
Kahlil Gibran
The coming of the ship..
Wishing you all a peaceful Sunday with Kahlil Gibran's words brought back to me by the boat at Hengistbury Head..
the coming of the ship
love and light....
Saturday, 16 November 2013
Sacred time in Hengistbury Head
There's something about the sky above Hengistbury Head that always makes it a magical place to be.
After a healing visit to a special place in Wareham my 'homework' was to write a letter to Archangel Michael and release all that no longer serves me and ask for all the abundance I would like to welcome into my life. Thank you for the miraculous guidance.... I wrote the letter in the company of my two loony dogs and a bumblebee that would not leave me alone and then allowed the liberating waves of Hengistbury Head to take my letter to where it needed to go...
I looked up at the sky afterwards and this is what I saw:
The little red light next to the setting sun was actually a tiny rainbow that appeared in the sky..
And then I noticed this boat on the horizon:
... which made me think of Kahlil Gibran's Prophet, such a soulful reading.
Thank you for a magical day...
Welcome back to my 'secret garden' and meet my future avocado trees, thank you to The Hungry Mouse for sharing the brilliant tutorial!
Speaking of garden, if you haven't heard the song Woodstock by Matthew's Southern Comfort (originally written by Joni Mitchell) now is the time, I can't get enough of it. Thank you Joaozinho for the inspiration which has led me back to the guitar. Today I picked up my guitar again after many months of not going anywhere near it and will not put it down until I've perfected this song :) (Big thank you to youtube and Alan Robinson for making it possible!)
And if that song doesn't give you hope, open The Return of the Bird Tribes by Ken Carey :) It's my second time reading it, the first time it didn't mean that much to me.. this time it's changing my life and speaking to an inner truth i cannot explain. I know it will find the right people, please enjoy and share...
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
project 'my secret garden'
“You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however.”
― Richard Bach
At home in bed again, and sick and tired, literally of being ill. This time I've got Darth Vader syndrome, when my boyfriend tried to call me to see how I was he thought he called the wrong number, that's how scary I sound!
So here's what I'm going to do about it. I'm setting the goal of doing one small thing a week (at least) to make our home more organic, healthy and as self sufficient as possible.
My step for this week was finding a little treasure chest called Kitchen Gardeners International already subscribed and started looking at all the goodies there, tips and recipes yay!
Join me if you like on my journey and I'll keep you updated on where all of this takes me :)
Oh and two gems from Louise L Hay and Sarah Wilson (whose blog is great!) that led me to my project today:
7 louise hay insights for healing your life (and a thyroid tip)
yes! louise hay tells me her #1 healing trick
A big thank you to both!
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Gut and Psychology Syndrome -
A very interesting talk shared by an always inspiring friend of mine: GAPS
Thank you Agnieszka for sharing :)
Cruelty-free perfume shopping for all you animal lovers
Love Nature :)
I used to be a perfume fanatic until I found out that a lot of major brands do unspeakable things to animals to produce their products. This put me off all perfumes for about 5 years in which I stuck to LUSH and Body Shop loyally. Only recently it occurred to me to further investigate whether there is a wider range of products I could use that are still animal friendly and smell nice at the same time.
Here's a helpful website for other animal lovers: PETA
I wish everyone a peaceful Sunday afternoon with this soothing song that's playing in our cosy living room: Starlight and You Thank you my Love for sharing it :)
Monday, 14 October 2013
A tale of two boys - from the 7 day Inner Engineering course
I listened to the third class in my inner engineering course yesterday and in this session Sadhguru spoke about taking responsibility in our lives, about responding to life and the things around us. Instead of saying 'this is my responsibility' we always have the choice of at least considering what to do about a situation. This session made me realise how much it troubles me that my grandmothers are living thousands of miles away from me and how much I miss them and would like to include them in our lives more. It also made me realise that instead of just saying they're not my responsibility, I can look at what options are available to get nearer to them. Just the mere act of thinking about the situation and exploring options has lifted an enormous load off my chest. I called one of them tonight and told her how I felt and that I would like to do something about this. She said she wants to stay right where she is. Maybe nothing will really change in our situation, but this communication and sharing has made all the difference.
Sadhguru told a story about two boys that I would like to share. A father had two sons, an optimistic one and a pessimistic one. They happened to be twins, so as their birthdays approached, the father decided to do a little experiment with them.
In the pessimistic son's room he piled up a heap of expensive toys, all the amazing gadgets you can imagine. In the optimistic son's he placed a pile of horse poo.
When the boys came home and ran upstairs, the father listened curiously to what their reactions will be. All of a sudden he heard a loud sobbing. He followed the boys upstairs worried that he overdid it with the horse poo a bit.. Only to find his pessimistic son crying beside the heap of expensive toys. When his father asked him what he was crying about he said: 'I'm crying because now I have to read all these instruction manuals and when my cousins come over tomorrow I'll have to share all of these...'
The father then went to his optimistic son's room and found him whistling and dancing around the pile of manure. When his father asked him what he was so joyful about he replied: 'well, if there's horse poo, there's bound to be a pony somewhere nearby!' speaking of ponies :) a peaceful night to you all xxxx
Somewhere over the rainbow... juicing vs pizza and cakes

Sunday, 13 October 2013
Guess who helped out with our laundry this weekend?
This little beast:
and of course this one couldn't miss out on sunbathing on top of the pile either!!! :)
Friday, 11 October 2013
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Juicing continued..
Although I'm not juicing all day, I now (thanks to all the juicing inspiration) start the day with 2 glasses of fresh juice and that's all I have until lunch time. I've been drinking:
4 apples, 4 oranges and half a bag of spinach leaves or
4 apples, 4 oranges, 2 beetroots and quarter of a lemon, both delicious, nutritious and energising :)
My favourite soup recipe for autumn :)
As the weather gets chillier, the temptation grows for comfort food! Here's a few recipes that might help beat the cravings:
The best butternut squash soup I've ever tasted with roasted garlic and red lentil:
1 large butternut squash, diced, skin left on
4 garlic cloves left whole, papery skin removed
olive oil for cooking
1,5 tsp dried mixed herbs
1/2 large red onion finely chopped
250g red lentils
750ml to 1 litre veg stock
3-4 tsp green pesto (optional)
sea salt and black pepper
Preheat oven to 200°C
Place the diced squash and garlic in roasting tin and drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt, pepper and dried herbs.
Mix well and roast for about 20-25 minutes or until the squash is browning at the edges and the skin is crisp.
Heat a little olive oil in pan (I use coconut oil lately) and cook onion for about 5 minutes, or until softened.
Add the roasted squash, garlic and lentils and enough veg stock to cover and simmer until lentils are cooked.
Season with salt and pepper and process or blend.
Transfer tonserving bowls and drizzle with a swirl of pesto if using.
Good for: skin, immune system, heart and circulation, and the digestive system and deeeeelicious! Enjoy :)
Just finished watching 'Epic' animation, highly recommend it! Very entertaining and meaningful at the same time. What I do NOT recommend is taking a farty dog to the DVD rental place, unless you can be very convincing at saying 'it wasn't me' :)
If that hasn't brought a smile to your face then let me show you Dorka dog's first experience with a horse:
and dreaming of the times when the sun was still scorching us in August, sharing with you a happy memory from Cornwall, St Michael's Mount (a must see, one of my favourite places in the world) the Giant's heart:
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Thank You :)
To all of you who bring sunshine into my life, I hope you know who you are! ;)
And some 'little wings' for those who also dream about riding with the wind:
'Little Wing' thank you Catarina :)
Noemi xxxx
Monday, 7 October 2013
Home sweet home at last :)
After a very busy but adventure filled day, I'm finally back home cuddling with two stinky little rascals:
Rascal 1:
and 2:
As for the detox, working in two jobs + dreaming up a future project + drinking only juice in one day = disaster. Luckily my boyfriend is still alive, but only just :) So a tip for anyone who's about to embark on any kind of detox, either take some peaceful time off, or do only the weekend when you can have plenty of rest! Today I had my favourite breakfast: morning glory and favourite lunch juice: bruschetta tang, and broke my three day fast in the afternoon with my very much missed ALDI oatcakes, a handful of nuts, dried apricots and a banana, yes I was hungry! :)
Wishing you all a peaceful night with positive thoughts and music: click here to listen and one of my favourite songs by fly jeti fly: Fire and Water and dedicate it to the One it makes me think of ;) sweet dreams xxxx
Sunday, 6 October 2013
Wishing everyone a peaceful night with Ronnie Laws' 'Grace'
from Joaozinho's never-ending and delightful music collection :) listen here
Tip for gardeners
If you've also got a set of green fingers you might appreciate the fact that while juicing you can wash your juicer with just cold water, I do it under the garden tap and pour the water into my water butt to use later for watering plants! I love simple eco-friendly solutions :)
A day out in Hawkley (Saturday)
Yesterday we discovered a little gem tucked away in Hampshire thanks to some lovely friends who were staying there for the weekend. A big thank you to them for the peaceful and inspiring time we had there sharing our dreams and ideas :)
I brought back some pictures to share:
A stunning little church with a very unique roof:
The tree of Life :)
Two new acquaintances:
Who were very nosy :)
Farewell under the setting sun:
And a very random sign on the pub balcony:
well we didn't dare after reading that! :)

Juice detox day 2
Breakfast today was jolt juice:
2 Apples
1 Orange
1 Cucumber
1/4 Lemon Peeled
4 Kale Leaves
and a big mug of warm water with juice of half a lemon.

It was really refreshing and tasty, but nothing beats morning glory so far... Having said that maybe today's lunch is competing with it, yummylicious!!!
The name is bruschetta tang and is better than any bruchetta I've ever had! The ingredients:
2 Tomatoes
1-2 Garlic Cloves Peeled
1 Bunch of Basil (20 Leaves)
1/4 Lemon Peeled
For dinner I decided to get creative after a one hour sauna and steamroom session. Getting inspiration from one of two lovely ladies I miraculously came across in the spa I decided to go wild with avocado, celery and cucumber and added tomatoes and apples and spinach, don't ask me why... I drank it all up, no wasting food here but yuck!
Note to self: if ever I get low, lethargic and ill again it's time for some juice. I've had nothing but nutritious juices and lots and lots of water for two days and haven't felt this energetic, sharp and positive in ages. I feel so so good :)
I can't believe that my cure was this simple, after visiting a GP, a homeopath, a health food store and spending a fortune nothing was helping my blister go away. Since I've started this detox it's gone down, almost completely disappeared, and haven't even thought of having a cigarette in 3 days! Or chocolate :)
The foods I can't wait to get my teeth into funnily enough are my oatcakes, nuts and houmous :) How boring they seem sometimes but when you go without them... like with a lot of things!
Saturday, 5 October 2013
Juice detox day 1
Today's breakfast: morning glory won :)
Before juicing:
And after:
Truly delicious, much better than it looks! A glorious start to the morning indeed! Off to the woods with the doggies to get some vitamin D and fun too!

slim, healthy and alive!
Another gift I received today came from another lovely soul who is a great inspiration to me in the way she is with children (and not just children :) she told me about a film called 'fat, sick and nearly dead' and when she said it would be a life-changing experience, she was not exaggerating one bit.
I watched the film today after a horrible night of tummy troubles, preceded by a mouth blister that seems to have grown very attached to my tongue in the last couple of months and spots on my face and neck that remind me of being 14 again, not pleasant memories! But after watching the film, I couldn't wait to get juicing and see if this might be a way to cleanse whatever it is that my body has had enough of.
I said yoga was one of my passions, well food is the other, especially healthy, nutritious food.
So I've embarked on a mini-adventure and going to juice myself slim, healthy and very much alive! I found a 7 day juice detox plan:
and dashed to Waitrose to confiscate their shelves from all the spinach, kale, celery, cucumbers, apples and other goodies. I looked like I was off to feed the entire Monkey World.
I then brushed the cobwebs off my juicer and made my first juice dinner called sunset passion and although the taste didn't quite compete with 4 cheese pizza or blueberry muffins, the fact that I'm writing all this down shows I didn't go into zombie mode (like I usually do on a Friday night after the ominous pizzas)
I have taken photos of 'before' to keep track of the changes caused by the diet, but might post them later when I see some improvement. Right now I'm still coming to terms with my spotty face and not so slim waistline :)
That's all for tonight, there's only so many calories in a beetroot, spinach, cucumber, lemon, lime and apples oh and a carrot. I actually don't feel hungry and feel a very calm and natural sleepiness unlike the times I did choose to devour a whole pizza and maybe a kit-kat or two to wash it down!
Before I go I want to say an enormous thank you to my greatest source of inspiration, my loving life-partner Joaozinho who puts up with a lot of grumpiness during my crazy detox adventures and manages to make me laugh even when I'd rather punch someone! :)
A peaceful night to all and I will definitely be dreaming about my breakfast tomorrow, which can either be a morning glory juice consisting of:
2 Apples
1 Cucumber
1 cup Blueberries
2 cups of Grapes
2 Kale Leaves
1″ Ginger
or jolt juice with:
2 Apples
1 Orange
1 Cucumber
1/4 Lemon Peeled
4 Kale Leaves
I'll see what I'm in the mood for when I wake up. Happy inspirations to all of you.
N :)
Click here to watch film
inner engineering
This day brought two discoveries my way that I felt I needed to share.
One of them is an online course I found thanks to the guidance of a very lovely lady I met at New Delhi airport. She gave me the gift of being able to meditate in a little pond filled with rose petals and the motivation to look into to inner engineering through the isha foundation. I have enrolled on a 7 class course and am finding it incredibly stimulating and thought provoking. Yoga in itself has been a saviour for me in troubled times and has grown to be an addiction to some extent. To me having some shape or form of yoga in my life is like breathing eating and sleeping. Without it I feel lost. If you have similar bond with yoga, inner engineering might call out to you too.
Friday, 4 October 2013
an inspiration a day keeps the doctor away
Welcome to my world. It is a beautiful one, colourful and inspiring, but not without challenges, definitely not. I invite whoever is interested to join me on my journey as two of my favourite things in life are:
1. exploring new experiences, finding new inspirations and
2. sharing them with others.
A very dear fellow traveller on this journey Kaily asked me to start writing things down. I start my account of adventures with a dedication to You you very kind soul and thank you for the light you brought into my life and others too I'm sure :)
Happy awakening to all you other light workers and hope you enjoy and find strength and encouragement in one of my favourite inspirational poems: The Awakening by Sonny Carroll
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